We help you and or your church to fulfill the great commission by partnering with national churches to reach the strategic gateway cities of Africa by planting churches that will reach the influencers of that city.
We help you and or your church to fulfill the great commission by partnering with national churches to reach the strategic gateway cities of Africa by planting churches that will reach the influencers of that city.
Our goal is to engage the seven spheres of cultural influence with the gospel.
The seven areas of influence include art, religion, business, government, media, family, and education. From these people and places of influence resources will be leverage towards sustainable transformation in Africa.
Adam and Alecia Fogleman are high school sweethearts and the parents of two incredible daughters. They started in minister in the local church at 18 years of age and did this for 15 years before becoming AGWM missionaries to Africa. They have served as missionaries for 10 years living in Tanzania and South Africa.
Adam is passionate about coffee, seeing people fulfill their God given potential and enjoys photography.
Alecia enjoys running and loves working with kids as well as training teachers and children’s workers how to impact young children with the gospel.
Urban Tribes is an initiative to reach a rapidly urbanizing Africa. Our work in South Africa was a part of Urban Tribes, and we will continue to work with Urban Tribes as we move into our next project.
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